Foreign Material - The Hidden Treasure Of Findias

Foreign Material - The Hidden Treasure Of Findias

Dreams Of The Fallen
[ANN31 | Annulled Music]

Produced by Martin Respaut aka Foreign Material
Mastered by MJL at Roxf-Box Lab
Design by Martin Respaut

Format: CD, Digital

Released by Annulled Music from Seville, Spain
Release Date: October 7, 2022

“Poem of the Fallen.

At the edge of the world,
In the depths of the earth,
They dwell.
Long forgotten, long gone.

Ancient lords and kings,
They sleep and dream,
In the dark.
Long forgotten, long gone.

Past glories on rusted crowns,
Broken scepters, eroded tombs,
Without names.
Long forgotten, long gone.

In these barren caves solely,
A part of their fading memory,
Long forgotten, long gone.

In Orpheus' realms they rest,
Observing the noble stars,
Waiting for better eons,
To come.”

Buy & Support on Bandcamp: Foreign Material - Dreams Of The Fallen


PLAST - Dramma Orientale


Kontinum - Digital Octopus (Mordio Remix)