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Zige - Sin Salida

NEIN V/A, a project curated by Raw Quarter A&R, with the aim of strengthen the bond of unity between different female producers in Latin America to make a stand against Female Violence. Music that has been built for resistance one and for all. Artist expression or resilience. This is our stand and our grain of sand to raise their voice and the voice of the women that have been battling for so long. This is where we make our stand against female violence in any form and in any way! All income of the release will be donated to 'Red Solidaria de Mujeres'.

The artists that make up the compilation are: Á l_ouest, Camila Villegas, Crvda, Disociacion, Eclipsa, Efe Ce Ele, Frontinn, Hijo Bastardo, Ana María Romano G, Marea, Sunny.K & Zige. For us it is an honor to release this compilation.

Read more about 'Red Solidaria de Mujeres':
'We began in Bogotá on March 30, 2020. We are collectives and individuals organized autonomously and self-managed to provide legal and / or psychosocial first aid, activate institutional routes, build ties with other organizations and solve situations of extreme vulnerability within our possibilities. women who, faced with the emergency situation caused by COVID-19, are exposed to face different forms of violence.' Linea de atención: (+57) 322-332-8655

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